Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Wow, So it has been quite a few days since my last post... not that anybody is listening. :-) Any way. So things are going well, I have started "going to work". I am now working at the office instead of from home but really not much else has changed. At least not yet. We are still waiting for the deal to be final. But that seems imminent now. The office needs some work, the server room is a disaster area but I guess I knew that. The network seems to be in pretty good order. Good file structures... I digress. Anyway. Things are going along pretty smoothly. The transition seems like it will be an easy one. Nick, the other guy at the office, is pretty cool. He is young, but I won't hold that against him... he he :-) Well I guess thats all for now...

By The Way... feel free to drop me an email if you are reading this... it might help motivate me to keep it going.

Saturday, February 23, 2002

Here it is... the weekend. Well I still have a few final touches to put on this project and it will be good to go. Next week should be interesting... lots of new changes... lot of old loose ends to tie up. Only time will tell how this will all work out. I guess I am a little worried about the stability of the new company. But, if I don't take the risk I may never have this chance again. So, head first...
I have been sitting in here on my computer looking over skins for WindowsBlinds and just generaling goofing off for about an hour... and it is Saturday... my day off... I need to get away from this infernal box. at least for a few hours anyway... :-)

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Well, another day is gone. I have a big project hanging over my head and the anticipation of the begining of a new company with Duane. Guess thats why I can't sleep.The deal should be done by Tues. or Wed. of next week. Things will really begin to get fun then. This project I am trying to finish should be off my sholders tomorrow if all goes well. Then I have to wrap up a few loose ends. Things are really going to get interesting in the next few days. Lots to do, and a short time to do it. I'll keep you posted...

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

I am getting ready to start a new business deal with a good friend of mine. This is something we have talked about for years now. It finally seems to be coming true. Well I guess that really remains to be seen. It looks as if things are going forward as planned. I guess I just have to keep giving myself a way to not feel let down if something goes wrong. I have been in a lot of situations where I have let myself get excited about something only to be let down. I guess everyone has. I just feel like I want to try and minimize that feeling by preparing myself for the worst. No... I am just being negative. I know everything will work out fine. I am in a great place to start this business. My wife and I are very happy... we have a nice home... things are going great. This is the last piece of the puzzle. It will be hard work for sure. But the pay off will be worth it. I mean this is finally the job where all of my hard work WILL pay off. This is the job I have been training for. and this time it is for me.... well, and my partner. Duane and I have been friends for a few years. This is a dream he and I have had for almost as long as we have known each other. We are the guys who are always talking about how we could do this or we could do that. Well now we will see just what we can or can't do.

Monday, February 18, 2002

Well, I have already missed 2 days. I was going to try to write at least something in here everyday. Obviously that was a pipe dream. I guess I do have a pretty good excuse. I was busy with my in-laws in town. My father-in-law and I had a great time on the golf course on Saturday. I didn't play all that well, but that is not really the point. It was more about getting to spend some quality time with him. We get along great and always seem to have a good time. The family get together went really well. I enjoyed having both of our parents here at the same time. Lots of laughs... good food... it was a success. My in-laws are leaving tomorrow so things will get back to normal... well as normal as they can be. It also means going back to work. Oh well... without work, vacation would not be as much fun. Well, I don't really have much to say so I am going to sign off.

Friday, February 15, 2002

Hello blog. My inlaws arrived today. They are always fun to have around so it is a good thing. My father-in-law and I are going golfing tomorrow. That will be a good time. He is a very good golfer so he gives me lots of tips while we play. I enjoy it. My parents are coming over tomorrow for a big family Bar B Q. It will be the first time we have had both familys together since we got married. It should be fun. Well gotta go.

Thursday, February 14, 2002

Well the first thing I need to do is get a new page designed to hold my blog and then figure out how to post it to my domain... well another thing to eat up my time. Hopefully I will be able to see this one through. Well only time will tell.
Well this is the first entry. I am not sure what type of thoughts will end up here... but I thought it might be a good place to vent from time to time. I guess I am going to keep this first post short and check out the site.